Sonic Omens – 2022

In the Sonic Fan Game, Sonic Omens, I was tasked with programming the behaviors for the Maria Boss fight. In addition I helped rework the new Metarex enemies that would be in the game.

Here is the Boss as it appears in game.

Earlier versions

Footage capture when I finished the boss behaviors. As you can see it looks completely different.

When I personally was working on it. it didn’t look like the final version at all. I was kept in the dark of what it really was since I was sort of like a contractor as opposed to an actual part of the staff. Imagine my surprise when I get to the Maria boss and it’s using my boss patterns. it really threw me for a loop.

The Metarex Enemies

Footage showing off the metarex enemies.

The Metarex enemies happened to be in progress at the same time I was working on the boss, and since the boss would be summoning them I had to ensure that functionality as well. When I put them in they seemed a little underwhelming as initially they were just lesser versions the Eggpawn enemies. so I implemented the Charge attack in my free time and showed it off to the developer BOLT. He liked it so much that he suggested we go EVEN further and have them leave behind a damaging energy trail. it’s honestly the coolest enemy in the game and I thought is was so cool of them to just let me do that. although I think we may have made them a little too difficult.

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