James Gray – Professional Superhero

I’m an aspiring Game Designer with no specification. I’ve always loved video games and loved deep diving and learning about how they work. I’ve taken it upon myself to learn just about every department related to making games, and have even participated in all of them, from Art to Programming.

Here you can find most of my projects, but there’s a little sampler on this page.


Here’s My top 5 favorite artworks You can find more details on them on the Art page.


Here are my top 5 favorite Songs. You can find most of my music on Youtube at TheJayNinja, or in games that I have worked on. The Music Section will not only take you to my youtube channel, but it will likely hold any music that isn’t on my youtube channel

By the Pond – For Bombs From Beyond
The Food Rush – For Honeycomb Beestro
Boss Tension and Fight – Original
Lower Norfair – Super Metroid Remix
City Slickers Infinity version – Revised original

Game Project Demonstrations

Here you can find demonstrations of all of my game projects. to learn more about them go to the Game Design page to find all of them.

Android Ranger: Sii-Dro | December 2020 | I made everything in this game and used Unreal Engine 4
Honeycomb Beestro | May 2021 | My senior Capstone Project. I was the main programmer, and Musician. I also helped with Design processes, but was not the lead in that area.
Bombs From Beyond | May 2020 | A large collaborative project between a whole class. I was the lead Musician, but I was also an Integral programmer, Designer, and Artist. a god example of me actively fulfilling all of the roles.

Other Miscellaneous Projects

Here you can find Projects that don’t exactly fit into the other categories. Depending on how similar they might be to other projects you might find them in other previously mentioned pages as well as the Miscellaneous page.

An Animation I made Starring Characters I created myself.

Page List

Blog Posts

Here you will find all of the Blog posts that house all of my content. these are organized within my pages but you can cut out the middle man and choose one here if you like.

Sonic Omens – 2022

In the Sonic Fan Game, Sonic Omens, I was tasked with programming the behaviors for the Maria Boss fight. In addition I helped rework the new Metarex enemies that would be in the game. Earlier versions When I personally was working on it. it didn’t look like the final version at all. I was kept…

Shadow Spider

Some art and character designs for a Story I made based on Spider-Man. the Premise is that Spider-Man is an entirely different person with a different style, and all of the concepts for many of Spider-Man’s Allies and Villains are flipped to be the opposite allignment, or just radically different somehow. The Secondary Spidey crew.…

Powerpuff Girls Evolution

Art I made for a story I made where the premise is that the Powerpuff Girls are young adults and all of the concepts are a lot more serious. The story is more in line with more conventional superhero stories but are rooted in just about everything established in the original show.

Honeycomb Beestro – 2021

Here you will find just about everything I did for the Honeycomb Beestro. I was the game’s composer, and the lead programmer. but I also helped a lot with other design aspects such as being the main user of the Unity engine. the other contributors are: Leila Le – Lead designer and Secondary Artist Lilith…

The Forge

Here is every art piece that I have provided for a literature magazine called The Forge


Here you will find all of my Audio Projects.

Android Ranger: Sii-Dro – 2020

Here you will find everything I have on my own Game Design Studio Project called Android Ranger: Sii-Dro. It’s a Tiny Game and everything in it is something I made myself. Twitter Catalogue of the game Concept Android Ranger: Sii-Dro is a Third Person Shooter Adventure based on the likes of Metroid Prime. Some of…

Game Design

Here you will Find posts about my Game design endeavors that don’t specifically relate to any projects, or things I didn’t do alone.