Powerpuff Girls Evolution

Art I made for a story I made where the premise is that the Powerpuff Girls are young adults and all of the concepts are a lot more serious. The story is more in line with more conventional superhero stories but are rooted in just about everything established in the original show.

Full body images of the girls. These Powerpuff Girls are high school Seniors, coming into adulthood and learning to navigate complex mature issues related to being Superheroes.
The Powerpuff girls! With their ultra super powers Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime and the forces of evil
The PPG Allies. Professor Utonium being as dadly as possible. The former Mayor, enjoying his retirement. Ms. Bellum, the current Mayor. Dexter is the new character here technically, but I think his addition would add a cool guy in the chair character to the PPG trio.
The PPG Villains. They all have their typical PPG personalities, but Princess I think will become a lot more nice with age. I’d liken her to a Lex Luthor Role. incredibly smart, but a little too eager to outdo the Girls. Him will be the opposite. Much more malicious with age, as he adapts to accommodate for the Girls’ increased maturity. He’ll be much more eager to take lives and sow despair.
A redesign of the controversial fourth Powerpuff Girl, Bliss, and an original design for her mom, Professor Smuth, who I created upon rewriting Bliss’ backstory. Her new backstory is similar to the original with some key differences. Professor Smuth is Professor Utonium’s old partner, and The two created Bliss 4 years earlier than the PPG using Smuth’s DNA as a base. The two had a falling out and they split up with Bliss growing up as a normal person for 20 years. Bliss then gets her powers as a result of Professor Utonium needing to use Chemical X to cure her Degenerative disease which had set on suddenly near her 21st birthday, and was related to her creation process.

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